The Level 3 Certificate in Understanding Mental Health is a comprehensive course designed to deepen your knowledge and understanding of mental health and well-being. This qualification is particularly beneficial for those aiming to work in the health and social care sector, providing a solid foundation for further education or career progression in mental health services.
Key Facts
12 weeks
This course is fully funded for Greater Manchester and South Yorkshire residents who meet the eligibility criteria.
Delivery Location
- On successful completion, learners will achieve a Level 3 Certificate in Understanding Mental Health
Course details
This qualification comprises of the following mandatory units:
- Principles for implementing duty of care in health, social care or children's and young people's setting
- Understand care and support planning and risk management in mental health
- Understand mental health interventions
- Understand mental health problems
- Understanding mental well-being and mental health promotion
- Understand the legal, policy and service framework in mental health
This programme will be delivered online.
Entry requirements
There are no specific entry requirements for this course, however learners should have a Level 1 qualification in Maths and English.
Funding Eligibility:
Greater Manchester 2024/2025 Funding Rules for Applicant Eligibility:
- For learners aged 19+ on or before the 31st August 2024
- Lived in a Greater Manchester postcode region
- Lived in the UK for the last 3 years
- Be either unemployed and employed applicants
- If employed, must earn less than the current ‘low wage threshold’ of £32,200
South Yorkshire 2024/2025 Funding Rules for Applicant Eligibility:
- 24+ on or before the 31st August 2024
- Lived in a South Yorkshire postcode region (Barnsley, Doncaster, Sheffield or Rotherham)
- Be either unemployed or Employed
- If employed, must earn less than the current ‘low wage threshold’ of £30,476.96
- Must not hold more than one Level 3 or higher qualification
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