The Level 2 Customer Service Practitioner apprenticeship equips employees with essential skills like communication and problem-solving, which enhances customer satisfaction. These skills are transferable across roles, increasing employee versatility and productivity. 

Offering this apprenticeship to your employees can improve employee retention by showing commitment to their development. 


Key Facts


13 Months

Funding Band


Delivery Location



On successful completion, apprentices will achieve a Customer Service Practitioner Level 2 Apprenticeship.

Apprenticeship details

The Customer Service Practitioner Level 2 Apprenticeship equips apprentices with the core skills, knowledge, and behaviours required for a successful career.

What it covers:

The Customer Service Practitioner Level 2 Apprenticeship covers all aspects of customer service, from understanding and meeting customer needs, giving a great customer experience, learning from feedback and promoting your products and services.

Apprentices will complete the following units as part of their qualification: 

  • Delivery of effective customer service
  • Meeting and greeting customers
  • Supporting the customer service environment


Our Skills Development Tutors will visit apprentices on-site or remotely, working with them to meet employer’s specific needs and expectations. 

Entry requirements 

There are no formal entry requirements however, apprentices will need to attend an informal interview. If apprentices do not hold the relevant English and maths qualifications, they will work towards them as part of this programme.


On successful completion, apprentices can progress onto higher-level apprenticeships, or train to become a Team Supervisor, Team Leader then Manager.



If you’re ready to unlock your business’s potential, or have any questions about our services, we’d love to hear from you.

Contact us